I had never cared about green leaves, never really cared how sunlight reflected the river,I never looked up at sky to feel its blue or didnt even turned my head to see the singing bird, I was not the kind of person who would sit just to look at the trees or walk the way home to feel the soft breez, day by day I grew careless of the universe I lived in and I came  to live like I never belonged....

Then I saw you..and the soft spring breez made its way through my hair and the bims of sunlight started to shine in my viens and singing bird sang   all my days and I felt all the blues of the sky and I turned into green and colored all the leaves and I knew you werer all the places I could ever belong!!y

Today it can be so wierd to hear that someone does not own a cellphone or some people somewhere do not have access to internet. Well thats a misery is what we would say!

Like most our parents and grandparents say , man has lost his connection with the world and people and all and people in thid area barely notice things that they would before because they are too busy checking thier phones and stuff . I guess the biggest disadvantage it has brought into men's life is this huge lonliness that us felt in every part of thier lives!

Ofcourse it has made life easier and faster and bla bla bla but still it seems like we have lost the one important reason why cyber world and all was invented in the first place!

What I'm supposed to do here is to becomfortable and use a very cozy lingo inorder to talk about "digital humanities"which seems all greek to me!

So, what do I think about it? Do I like it or need it or use it? Ye, though I'm not a fan .well, I guess the more I repeat it in my mind the more Confused i get! But I have to admit it has made life in some ways easier and for me it mostly ends up with books and stuff .(e-books).I honstly appriciate wheni get books without spending much money though i gatta say i have always prefered the printerd versions.

I have friends who have these ruch bookshelves which are e-book sheves and they easily connect with them without having touched the book and all and I assume thta's what it is about . Letting people enjoy books and other stuff without taking much space and money.


I wish I could watch some movies again without remembering it .I mean I could enjoy watching them the way I did the first time though there are movies that I watch and watch and like better but it never suprises me like it did the first time. Recently I've been watching this trilogy by krzysztove kieslowsky named The three colors Blue, Red, White.

You may have watched them already which is great but if not please do...watch them.  They are great!!!

Im not gonna spoil it although It does not have a very straight story to tell and honstly it took me a while to get whats going on but once i did i fell for it!!!

And the best thing about them is that they are not very long to bore you!

Change..it happens .you wake up one morning and you are happy and you think life hasnt been more lovely and suddenly while you are beening so positive about it "shit happens" things happen and effect on you and as days pass by you change you dont know it...suddenly you are there this totally different person and  god knows how many times you will change and change and ofcourse its not one of those huge ones but so little you barely notice and someday  one of those bright mornings you will wake up and face this brand new version of you and this person that you are now and is reading this stupid blog will be just A memory!

Somedays...or maybe most days I wish I was born in a small village in some unknown country with no technology. I wish  I was raised the way a village girl would be...and I didnt know what other things exist in other  places and who lives there and how  and why sometimes I cant' stand true to who I am because I know Its not what I want!

Somedays you just wanna be this great nothing!!!no dreams and desires and all you think about is this simple life and your little world with this great nature and trees and mountains and all these common but valuable things that "I" now cant see!

People are always pissing you off. I mean it. You see I'm not very old but I' m old enogh to say it! You had a hard week and you are really tired and need to rest or do something you like so you can start another  goddamned week and meanwhile your mom kills you by insisting on you attending the party you are not even really invited so she does not have to sit alone .You sacrifice your nerve and weekend by joining her and all!!!

It's funny how them party people think you are happy to be there and start asking you questions you never wanna answer and start commenting on your life and major and college and allllll and oh sweet mother of  jesus doesn't that bore me????

And here you go pissed off and ready to stat another week 


blank pages of writing

Imagine somrone asks you to write about something and  they don't tell you what that thing could be.This is the time you realize writing needs a hell of thinking! All they want is a piece of trash you're gonna come up with  and they already know about the TRASH ...that's why they ask you to...so maybe someday you could write well . I can write and I sometimes have ideas but with a blank paper and a pen it's like they all fly away!!

But really what makes one a good writer????????coffee ??A gloomy day??? If yes,then i won't be one cuz all i have now is a happy silent night and a cup of tea!!